BJ Penn has big plans to hold public office

BJ Penn is a fighter in every sense of the word. He was a risk-taker, competing in several different weight classes in mixed martial arts, from lightweight (155 lbs), where he primarily made his name, all the way up to heavyweight at one point.

He was also a champion and a winner. Don't let his 16-14-2 career record fool you; BJ Penn was a problem in his prime. "The Prodigy" was the first two-division champion in UFC history as he fought the toughest fighters in the sport.

And now, BJ Penn is taking on another massive fight that he intends to win: politics. The 43-year-old Hawaii native announced his intention to run in the state's gubernatorial race back in 2021. Penn, a Republican, was staunchly against government-mandated COVID-19 restrictions and promised to remove them should he become governor.

It was an uphill battle to be sure. After all, Penn is primarily known as a mixed martial artist and had no prior political experience. But Penn has never been one to shrink from a challenge, no matter how big. In fact, he seems to relish the opportunity to prove his doubters wrong.

However, it was not to be as Penn lost the Republican primary in August 2022, finishing a distant second to the winner, Duke Aiona. 

But like the fighter Penn is, he did not take this defeat lying down. Not only did he refuse to concede defeat, but he also contested the election results to the Hawaiian Supreme Court.

So even after this latest setback, it does not seem as if BJ Penn is ready to give up the good fight. He is committed to helping improve the lives of his fellow Hawaiians, and it seems his fellow Hawaiians want him to continue his political ambitions, so another run for public office in the future is certainly possible.

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